My Resume

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iOS and Full Stack developer who loves to code all day. During my spare time I do game 
development and currently developing a tower defence game. When I do not code, I spend my time at 
the gym to improve my physique. 

Speaking languages: Swedish, English, Japanese and Korean

Safeture, Lund (January 2019 – Present)
Development work include iOS, back-end and front-end where I maintained and build new features to 
the platform.
Led small and medium size project. Where I design and implemented new features to the platform.
Taking care of our server upgrades and releasing new iOS builds.
Integrations to other services and parse them to the platform. 
Help with sysadmin work with upgrading the network and maintaining it.

Malmö Högskola, Malmö (October 2016 – January 2017)
Working as a teaching assistance, 3D modelling (part-time)
I held laboratories, gave small lectures, and assisted and advised students with their works.

Dark star E-sport, Sweden (January 2014 – April 2016)
Working as Finance director and Team manager
During my time here, I advised and oversaw a small team in one of its sections. I also managed Dark 
stars finance.

東京工科大学附属日本語学校 (2017 - 2018)
(Tokyo Institute of Technology Japanese Language School)

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Malmö Högskola (2014 – 2017)

Technical Skills
Languages: C#, PHP, JavaScript, Typescript, Swift, Objective-C, C/C++, HTML, CSS
Database: MySQL, PostgreSQL
Operating System: Windows, GNU/Linux
Frameworks: Monogames, Laravel, Angularjs, Angular, nodejs
Game engines: Unity
Development Tools: Git, Visual Studio
Firewall/ network: pfsense, UniFi